Other Works From the Show

  • 서승원

    Simultaneity 19-952_ 2019, Acrylic on canvas, 162 × 130.3 cm. Courtesy of the artist & PKM Gallery

  • 서승원

    Simultaneity 98-1031_ 1998, Silkscreen, 60 × 77 cm, A.P. Courtesy of the artist & PKM Gallery

  • 서승원

    Simultaneity 82-132_ 1982, Ink, pencil on Korean paper, 63.5 x 94 cm. Courtesy of the artist & PKM Gallery

  • 서승원

    Simultaneity 80-112_ 1980, Oil on canvas, 162 × 130 cm. Courtesy of the artist & PKM Gallery.

  • 서승원

    Simultaneity 77-56_ 1977, Oil on canvas, 162 x 130 cm. Courtesy of the artist & PKM Gallery

  • 서승원

    Wood-C_ 1968, Woodcut, 36 x 28 cm, ed. 2/10. Courtesy of the artist & PKM Gallery

Other Works by 서승원(Suh Seung-Won)

  • 서승원

    동시성87-813_ 1987, Lithograph, 57 x 76 cm

  • 서승원

    Simultaneity 22-1018_ 2022 Acrylic on paper 38.8 x 54 cm Courtesy of the Artist & PKM Gallery.

  • 서승원

    동시성 68-7_ 1968, 163×112cm, 캔버스에 유채

  • 서승원

    Simultaneity 19-952_ 2019, Acrylic on canvas, 162 × 130.3 cm. Courtesy of the artist & PKM Gallery

  • 서승원

    Simultaneity 98-1031_ 1998, Silkscreen, 60 × 77 cm, A.P. Courtesy of the artist & PKM Gallery

  • 서승원

    동시성 67-2_ 캔버스에 유채, 162.3×130.7cm, 국립현대미술관 소장
