Relevant Show

Relevant Show
로니 혼
Portrait of an Image(with Isabelle Huppert)_ 5 c prints, 38.1x31.75cm each, 2005
로니 혼
Else1_ Pigment and varnish on paper, 225.1075x337.82cm, 2009
로니 혼
Two Pink Tons_ Solid cast glass 2 units, 101.6 (w)x152.4 (l)x22.86 (h)cm, 2008
로니 혼
White Dickinson: RESTORED IN ARCTIC CONFIDENCE TO THE INVISIBLE_ Aluminum and solid cast plastic, 5.08x226.06cm, 2006
로니 혼
Portrait of an Image(with Isabelle Huppert)_ 5 c prints, 38.1x31.75cm each, 2005
로니 혼
열 개의 액체 사건_ 2010, 표면 가공하지 않은 유리 주물, 10개, 45.7 x 86.4 ~ 91.4 x 86.4 cm / (뒤쪽 벽) 올라퍼 엘리아슨 <도마달루의 일광 연작(북쪽)>, 2006
로니 혼
Remembered Words—(Fat)_ 2012-2013, Gouache, watercolor, graphite, and gum arabic on paper, 38.1x27.9cm, 사진: Genevieve Hanson Courtesy of the artist and Kukje Gallery 이미지 제공: 국제갤러리
로니 혼
Remembered Words—(Snaggle)_ 2012-2013, Gouache, watercolor, graphite, and gum arabic on paper, 38.1x27.9cm, 사진: Tom Powel Imaging Courtesy of the artist and Kukje Gallery 이미지 제공: 국제갤러리
로니 혼
Untitled(“Sometimes I think I resemble myself too much. I have always been someone else...”)_ Solid cast glass with as-cast surfaces, 2 unique purples, 56.5 x 76.2 x 91.4 cm, 2012
로니 혼
Remembered Words—(Sunflower)_ 2012-2013, Watercolor, graphite, and gum arabic on paper, 38.1x27.9cm, 사진: Tom Powel Imaging Courtesy of the artist and Kukje Gallery 이미지 제공: 국제갤러리