최정화(Choi Jung-Hwa)

1961년10월29일 서울 출생

서울에서 활동


1987년 홍익대학교 회화 전공 학사


A4파트너스 인테리어 디자이너
계원조형예술전문대 건축디자인과 겸임교수
문학정신 아트디렉터
가슴시각개발연구소 소장


2006 올해의 예술상
2005 제7회 일민예술상
1997 제5회 토탈미술상
1987 중앙미술대전 대상
1986 중앙미술대전 장려상


2024 보이는 수장고 - 최정화 인류세, 경남도립미술관, 경남 창원
2020 정화 《카발라(Kabbala)》, 대구미술관, 대구
2019 국립현대미술관 개관 50주년 <광장> 2부, 과천, 국립현대미술관
2019 Blooming matrix, GYRE 갤러리, 도쿄, 일본
2019 최정화, 잡화, 아트스페이스 광교, 수원, 한국
2019 롯폰기 아트나이트 2019 Night Journey, Daydream, 도쿄, 일본
2018 MMCA 현대차 시리즈 2018: 최정화 - 꽃, 숲, 국립현대미술관, 서울
2018 숨 쉬는 꽃, 안시 페이사주 페스티벌, 프랑스
2018 숲, 성북구립미술관, 서울,
2017 해피해피, 로잔 올림픽 뮤지움, 스위스
2017 집宇집宙 프로젝트, 은평역사한옥박물관+은평한옥마을, 서울
2017 동아시아 문화도시 2017 현대미술전, 교토, 일본
2017 쓰레기x사용설명서, 국립민속박물관
2017 모이자 모으자, 호놀룰루 비엔날레,
2017 한중수교25주년 기념 치바이스(齊白石)- 목장(木匠)에서 거장(巨匠)까지, 예술의전당 서예박물관
2016 무문관, 안양 파빌리온, 5회 안양예술공공프로젝트
2016 해피투게더, 키아스마, 헬싱키
2016 서예축전 서(書)로 통일(統一)로, 통일아!, 예술의전당 서예박물관, 서울
2015 트랜스포머, 로마현대미술관 MAXXI, 2015
2015 오온-최정화 개인전, 파크뷰그린, 북경, 중국, 2015
2015 옆, 온양민속박물관, 온양
2014 Tathata, Park Ryu Sook Gallery, Seoul
2014 Natural color, multiple flower show, Culture Station Seoul 284, Seoul
2014 Fukuoka Triennale, Fukuoka, Japan
2014 Leeum 10th Aniversary Exhibition '交感 Beyond and Between', Leeum, Seoul
2013 Playground 2013, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
2013 321 Art Community Project, Tainan, Taiwan
2013 Life, Life, Leeahn Gallery, Daegu, Korea
2013 Total Support, Total Museum, Seoul, Korea
2013 Thank You!, Taoyuan Landscape Art Festival, Taoyuan, Taiwan
2013 Breathing Flower, Very Fun Park 2013, Taipei, Taiwan
2013 Whatchamacallit : Things Varying in Form-from Things to Beings, Gwangju Museum of Art, Gwangju, Korea
2013 KABBALA, Daegu Art Museum, Daegu, Korea
2013 Present of the Sun, Setouchi Triennale 2013, Shodojima, Japan
2013 Iro Iro Iro, Kunisaki Art Project, Kunisaki, Japan
2012 Love. Sweet. Life., K11, Hong Kong
2012 Peace of Everyone, the MOTHER of DESIGN, Marunouchi HOUSE, Tokyo, Japan
2012 Venue design for World Biennial Forum, Gwangju, Korea
2012 Welcome, Seocheon, Korea
2012 TINA B project, San Salvatore, Prague, Czech Republic
2012 Phantoms of Asia, Civic Center Plaza, Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, San Francisco, USA
2012 Wish, Krasnoyarsk Museum Centre, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
2012 Festival of the World, Hayward Gallery, London, UK
2012 Arsenale 2012, Kyiv Biennale, Kyiv, Ukraine
2012 Perth International Art Festival, Perth, Australia
2012 Jean Prouve X Choi Jeong Hwa, Vitra, Seoul, Korea
2011 Live Live, Kotakinabalu, Malaysia
2011 Lingua franca, St. Moritz Art Masters, St. Moritz, Switzerland
2011 Welcome, Ecoland, Jeju, Korea
2011 Revive, Gwangju, Korea
2011 My Own Private Neon Oasis, Museum of Brisbane, Brisbane, Australia
2011 Whatchamacallit, Gwangju, Korea
2011 Cosmos, Oulim Art Gallery, Goyang Oulim Nuri Arts Center, Goyang, Korea
2011 The REDCAT Gala, REDCAT, Los Angeles, USA
2011 Happy Together, Pohang Museum, Pohang, Korea
2010 17th Biennale of Sydney, Sydney, Austria
2010 By Day By Night, Rockbund Art Museum, Shanghai, China
2010 In the Mood for Love, Aando fine Art, Berlin, Germany
2010 SH Contemporary 10, Shanghai, China
2010 Art HK 10, Hong Kong
2010 Plastic Garden, Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai, China
2010 Roppongi Art Night, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan
2010 Kirishima Open-Air Museum 10th 'Workshop', Kirishima, Japan
2009 'Your Bright Future', The Museum of Fine Art, Houston, USA
2009 'Your Bright Future', LACMA, Los Angeles, USA
2009 'Shine a Light', Korea Culture Center, London, UK
2009 'O.K!' Towada Art Center, Towada, Japan
2008 Opening Exhibition, Bangkok Art and Culture Center, Bangkok, Thailand
2008 'Plactic Paradise', Point Ephemere, Paris, France
2008 Arcadia, Ch?teau d'Oiron, Oiron, France
2008 Spring Art Show, Space-C, Seoul, Korea
2008 New Project, Pekin Fine Arts, Beijing, China
2008 The REDCAT Gala, REDCAT, Los Angeles, USA
2007 Peppermint Candy, Santiago, Chile
2007 Welcome, Wolverhampton Art Gallery, Wolverhampton, UK
2007 Trace Root, Arco, Madrid, Spain
2007 Elastic Taboo: Within the Korean World of Contemporary Art, Kunsthalle Wien, Austria
2007 Truth, REDCAT (Roy and Edna Disney/CalArts Theater), Los Angeles, USA
2006 Gwangju Biennale-The First Chapter: Trace Root, Gwangju, Korea
2006 Special Project, Vivocity, Singapore Biennale, Singapore
2006 Believe It or Not, Ilmin Museum, Seoul, Korea
2006 Art& Industry, SCAPE Biennial, Christ Church, New Zealand
2006 Open-Air Exhibition, Middleheim Museum, Antwerp, Belgium
2006 Through the Looking Glass, Asian House, London, UK
2005 Dressing Ourselves, Milan Triennale, Milan, Italy
2005 Design Edge, Korean Pavilion, Suntec City, Singapore
2005 Seoul: Until Now!, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark
2005 Secret Beyond the Door, Venice Biennale-Korean Pavilion, Venice, Italy
CP Biennale, CP Center, Jakarta, Indonesia
2005 Roomscape, Ssamziegil Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2004 Kim Chong-Hak and Choi Jeong Hwa, Garam Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2004 Liverpool Biennial, Lime Station, Liverpool, UK
2004 Happy Happy Project, Kirkby Gallery, Liverpool, UK
2004 Public Communications with GASUM, Melbourne Art Fair, Melbourne, Australia
2004 This is Not a Love Letter, Korean Cultural Foundation Center, Seoul, Korea
2004 The Tale of Seoul, Korean Cultural Foundation Center, Seoul, Korea
2003 Happiness, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan
2003 Lyon Biennale, Lyon, France
2003 Flower Power, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Lille, France
2003 Yang Gwang Chan Ran, Biz Art Center, Shanghai, China
2003 Virgin Road, Ssamzie Space, Seoul, Korea
2003 Time after Time, Yerba Buena Center for the Art, San Francisco, USA
2002 Happy Together, Kagoshima Open Air Museum, Kagoshima, Japan
2002 The 8th Baltic Triennial of International Art, Contemporary Art Center, Vilnius, Lithuania
2002 Orient. Extreme, Le Lieu Unique, Nantes, France
2002 Korean & Japanese Contemporary Prints Exhibition, Gallery OM, Osaka, Japan
2002 Gwangju Biennale, World Cup Art Soccer Korea and Japan, Gwanju, Korea
2001 Yokohama Triennale, Yokohama Station, Yokohama, Japan
2001 Lunapark / Contemporary Art from Korea, Wurttembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart, Germany
2000 Bar Epicurus, Mitsubishi-Jisho Atrium. Hukuoka, Japan
2000 Let's Entertain, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, USA / Pompidou Center, Paris, France
2000 AIR AIR, Grimaldi Forum, Monaco
1999 Lord of the Rings, Hasselt Museum, Hasselt, Belgium
1999 Tachigawa Festival, Tachigawa Station, Tokyo, Japan
1999 Hot Air, Grandship Convention and Art Center, Shizuoka, Japan
1999 Slowness Speed, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia
1999 Between the Unknown Straits, Korean Culture & Arts Foundation (Arts Council Korea), Seoul, Korea
1998 Sao Paulo Biennial, Ciccillo Matarazzo Pavilion, Sao Paulo, Brazil
1998 Seamless, De Appel Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands
1998 Taipei Biennial - Site of Desire, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan


2023 백 투 더 퓨처: 한국 현대미술의 동시대성 탐험기, 국립현대미술관, 서울
2014, 리움 개관 10주년 기념전 : 교감(交感), 삼성미술관 리움, 서울
2013 New & Now : 서울시립미술관 2012 신소장작품, 서울시립미술관, 서울


  • 민들레 Dandelion

    2018, 생활그릇, 철 구조물 Used Kitchenware, Steel structure, 9MØ

  • 인류세

    2020, 생활그릇, 철 구조물, 11.5x24m

  • 상남동 고인돌 Sangnam-dong Dolmen

    2020, 스티로폼

  • 카발라_2013

    plastic baskets, steel frame, variable installation_h:16m 최정화

  • 성게 Sea Urchin

    2020, 남해 해양쓰레기

  • 민들레 Dandelion

    2018, 생활그릇, 철 구조물 Used Kitchenware, Steel structure, 9MØ(1)

  • 인피니티

    2020, 혼합 재료, 120×70×170cm, 개인 소장. 《살어리 살어리랏다》(2020) 출품작

  • 당신은 기념비입니다 You are a monument

    2020, 명찰, 4.8x2.6m

  • 카발라_2013

    plastic baskets, steel frame, variable installation_h:16m 최정화

  • 인피니티 Infinity

    2020, 식기, 115 x 150 x 115cm

  • 내일의 꽃

    2015, 섬유, FRP, 고무, 철분말 가루 혼합, 형광안료, 163.5×130×128, 220×203×188

  • 연금술

    FRP, 철골, 크롬도금, 1,800x32cm, 2014

  • cosmos

    2017, 구슬, 미러시트, 철사, 클립, 가변크기

  • 연금술_2013

    plastic plates, led, steel frame_250(h)×15pieces

  • 남해각여관 Hotel Namhaegak

    2020, 이불, 네온

  • 꽃숲 Blooming Matrix

    2016-2018, 혼합재료 Mixed materials, 가변설치 Dimension variable

  • 딸기I

    2019_페브릭, 송풍기_지름 2.5m_김해한옥체험관

  • 꽃의 향연 A Feast of Flower

    2015, 생활그릇 Used Kitchenware, 75.5x122x290cm

  • 무이무이 無異無二

    2020, 혼합재료

  • 늙은 꽃 Gran Flower

    2015, 혼합재료 Mixed media, 가변설치, Dimension variable

  • 배추와 리어카

    2017, 실리콘, 리어카, 210x100x106cm

  • 세기의 선물 Present of Century

    2016, 철구조물, FRP, 크롬도장 Steel Structure, FRP, Chrome coating, 가변설치

  • 복숭아

    2019, 페브릭, 송풍기, 지름 4m, 남해

  • 알케미 Alchemy

    2016, 혼합재료 Mixed media, 가변설치 Dimension variable

  • 복숭아와 석류

    2019, 페브릭, 송풍기, 지름 4m, 지름 3m, 마산청과시장

  • 어린꽃 Young Flower

    2016-2018, 플라스틱 왕관, 철 구조물 Plastic crown, Steel structure, 가변설치 Dimension variable

  • 살어리 살어리랏다

    2020, 혼합재료, 가변크기

  • 인류세 Anthropocene

    2020, 생활 그릇, 철 구조물, 11.5×24m

Shows on Mu:um

  • 보이는 수장고 - 최정화 인류세


    2024.06.21 ~ 2024.12.31

  • GAM 전시 20년: 어제의 대화를 이어갑니다


    2024.10.31 ~ 2025.02.16

  • 제10회 광주디자인비엔날레특별전 [생태미술프로젝트]


    2023.08.23 ~ 2023.12.31

  • 백 투 더 퓨처: 한국 현대미술의 동시대성 탐험기


    2023.06.16 ~ 2024.09.08

  • 살어리 살어리랏다: 최정화


    2020.10.22 ~ 2021.02.14

  • 최정화 《카발라(Kabbala)》


    2020.07.07 ~ 2021.01.03

  • MMCA 현대차 시리즈 2018: 최정화 - 꽃, 숲


    2018.09.05 ~ 2019.02.10

  • 2018 소장품<수직충동, 수평충동>


    2018.01.09 ~ 2018.04.29

  • 2017 아시아 태평양 현대미술 : 헬로우 시티


    2017.06.23 ~ 2017.10.09

  • 리움 개관 10주년 기념전 : 교감(交感)


    2014.08.19 ~ 2014.12.21

  • New & Now : 서울시립미술관 2012 신소장작품


    2013.01.18 ~ 2013.03.17
