지젤라 맥다니엘: 나를 이루는 모든(All These Parts Make Up Me)
2024.07.10 ▶ 2024.08.17
서울 종로구 율곡로 85 (원서동, 볼제빌딩)
Map지젤라 맥다니엘: 나를 이루는 모든(All These Parts Make Up Me)
2024.07.10 ▶ 2024.08.17
서울 종로구 율곡로 85 (원서동, 볼제빌딩)
Map지젤라 맥다니엘
나를 이루는 모든 All These Parts Make Up Me 2024, Oil on canvas, fabric, keys from subject-collaborator, sound 116.8 x 94 x 17.8 cm ⓒGisela McDaniel. Courtesy of the Artist, Pilar Corrias, and Arario Gallery.
지젤라 맥다니엘
두 모어 Do More 2023, Oil on canvas, object from subject-collaborator, hair, sound 137.2 x 182.9 x 7.6 cm ⓒGisela McDaniel. Courtesy of the Artist, Pilar Corrias, and Arario Gallery.
지젤라 맥다니엘
나보다 큰 Bigger Than Me 2023, Oil on canvas, flower, resin, necklace from subject-collaborator, sound 165.1 x 279.4 x 17.8 cm ⓒGisela McDaniel. Courtesy of the Artist, Pilar Corrias, and Arario Gallery.
지젤라 맥다니엘
끝없는 여정 Never Ending Journey 2023, Oil on canvas, found object, sound 109.2 x 83.8 x 7.6 cm ⓒGisela McDaniel. Courtesy of the Artist, Pilar Corrias, and Arario Gallery.
지젤라 맥다니엘
타고난 Born for It 2023, Oil on canvas, shell, palo santo, resin from subject-collaborator, sound 147.3 x 152.4 x 17.8 cm ⓒGisela McDaniel. Courtesy of the Artist, Pilar Corrias, and Arario Gallery.
지젤라 맥다니엘
COMPASSION 연민 2023, Oil on canvas, object and text on paper from subject-collaborator, sound 132.1 x 177.8 x 15.2 cm ⓒGisela McDaniel. Courtesy of the Artist, Pilar Corrias, and Arario Gallery.
지젤라 맥다니엘
LIVING MORE 리빙 모어 2023, Oil on canvas, found object, sound 106.7 x 139.7 x 15.2 cm ⓒGisela McDaniel. Courtesy of the Artist, Pilar Corrias, and Arario Gallery.
지젤라 맥다니엘
BEST THING FOR ME TO DO 내가 할 수 있는 최고의 것 2023, Oil on canvas, jewelry, objects, hair from subject-collaborator, resin, sound 116.8 x 144.8 x 15.2 cm ⓒGisela McDaniel. Courtesy of the Artist, Pilar Corrias, and Arario Gallery.
지젤라 맥다니엘
LIFE LONG STRENGTH / PROTECTED INSTINCT 일생의 힘 / 보호된 본능 2024, Oil on panel, jewelry and shell from subject-collaborators, sound 127 x 184.2 x 15.2 cm ⓒGisela McDaniel. Courtesy of the Artist, Pilar Corrias, and Arario Gallery.
지젤라 맥다니엘
SOUTHERN SKY 남쪽 하늘 2023, Oil on canvas, gel-x nail 50.8 x 61 x 5.1 cm ⓒGisela McDaniel. Courtesy of the Artist, Pilar Corrias, and Arario Gallery.
지젤라 맥다니엘
아라리오갤러리 서울 1F 전시전경 지젤라 맥다니엘 및 아라리오갤러리 제공. 사진 양이언. / Courtesy of the Artist and Arario Gallery. Photo by Ian YANG.
지젤라 맥다니엘
아라리오갤러리 서울 B1F 전시전경 지젤라 맥다니엘 및 아라리오갤러리 제공. 사진 양이언. / Courtesy of the Artist and Arario Gallery. Photo by Ian YANG