Other Works From the Show

  • 파비앙 베르쉐르

    Flying Fish_ 2019, acrylic and watercolor on paper, 80x60cm

  • 파비앙 베르쉐르

    Red Fish_ 2019, acrylic on paper, 42x29.7cm

  • 강이연

    Continuum_ 2019, projection installation, sound, 10 min.

  • 권하윤

    489 Years_ 2016, Video HD, color, stereo, 16/9, 11' , variable dimension.

  • 조은지

    Dtang, The Mud Said_ 2012, Performance, 40min, FFT Düsseldorf, Germany.

  • 조은지

    Dtang, The Mud Said_ 2012, Performance (*Collaboration with Peter Gahn and E-mex Trio), 40min, FFT Düsseldorf, Germany.

Other Works by 강이연(Kang Yiyun)

  • 강이연

    따뜻한03_ 인터랙티브설치, 가변크기, 2011

  • 강이연

    Finite_ 2021 Immersive audio-visual installation/ 5 projections, 12-channel audio duration: 6' 20" Courtesy of the artist & PKM Gallery

  • 강이연

    wounds_ video installation, dimension variable, 2010, 개인소장

  • 강이연

    Infinite_ 2021 Moving projection installation, 1.5m diameter rotating object, motor, projector, computer duration: 1' 45" Courtesy of the artist & PKM Gallery

  • 강이연

    Continuum_ 2019, projection installation, sound, 10 min.

  • 강이연

    finite.mountain.01_ 2021 Pencil on digital print 39 x 55.5 cm (framed) Courtesy of the artist & PKM Gallery
