Other Works From the Show

  • 김지은

    Dream House_ oil and grout on canvas, 152x203cm, 2009

  • 김명범

    Untitled_ taxidermy_tree, 550x550x400cm, 2008

  • 채은미

    Miindo(Hwang jinny)3_ mother of pearl on cell painting & mulasec, 126x163.7x3cm, 2011

  • 변경수

    The explorer_ fiber glass, automotive painting, 40x40x160cm, 2010

  • 이완

    06kg No.9How to Become Us_ mixed media, 2011

  • 추종완

    Emergence_ charcoal_acrylic_color pencil on canvas, 145x112cm, 2010

Other Works by 추종완(Choo Jong-Wan)

  • 추종완

    탈(脫) Emergence_ 캔버스에 색연필_목탄_아크릴채색, 190×180cm, 2009

  • 추종완

    Emergence_ charcoal_acrylic_color pencil on canvas, 145x112cm, 2010
