2011 슬레이드 미술대학 석사 졸업, (런던, 영국)/ Slade school of Fine arts, UCL, London
2007 상명대학교 사진학과 졸업
2005 서울예술대학 사진과
2014 Shortlist of International Emerging Artist Awards in Dubai
2012 Finalist of FreshFaced+WildEyes2012 by Photographers’ Gallery
2012 Salon Art Prize 2012 by Matt Roberts Arts
2017 요즘 전시들, 갤러리 테마9, 청주
2016 국제젊은사진가전:인식의 기초, 대구사진비엔날레, 봉산문화회관, 대구
2015 서울뉴욕 포토페스티벌, DDP/NewYork
2015 바람난 미술, 서울문화재단
2015 의정부 아트 페스티벌2015, 의정부 예술의 전당
2014 International Emerging Artist Awards, Dubai
2014 사진과 미디어:새벽4시, 서울시립미술관
2013 차이의 공간:part2, 갤러리조선
2012 Salon Art Prize 2012, Matt Roberts Gallery, London
2012 Fresh Faced + Wild Eyed 2012, Photographers’ Gallery, London
2012 Double Democracy 2, 아트광주12
2012 Window Space, A.S.C gallery, London
2012 16 Stafford Terrace by ISKAI Contemporary Art, London
2012 The World’s Our Oyster, A.P.T gallery, London
2012 Prozac Politics, Flameless gallery, London
2012 Group Exhibition by HADA Contemporary, Albermarie gallery, London
2012 5th 4482 SASAPARI, Barge House, London
2011 The Traces: collective surroundings, Hanmi gallery, London
2011 From the Corner window, St Martin-in-the-Fields, London
2011 The Slade Shows’ 11, Slade School of Fine Art, London
2011 4th 4482 SASAPARI, Barge House, London
2010 Recollection, Portsea Gallery, London
명품 판타지
2022.04.26 ~ 2022.07.31
온그라운드 프로젝트 스페이스
2017.12.12 ~ 2018.02.03