My Eden's pool
2022, 캔버스에 아크릴릭, 오일파스텔, 156 × 156 × 4cm ©SONGEUN Art and Cultural Foundation and the Artist. All rights reserved. Photo: Margot Montigny
My Eden's pool
2022, 캔버스에 아크릴릭, 오일파스텔, 156 × 156 × 4cm ©SONGEUN Art and Cultural Foundation and the Artist. All rights reserved. Photo: Margot Montigny
얀보(Danh Vo)
UNTITLED_ 2020, 20세기 참나무와 황동 테두리 유리 진열장, 프랑스 15세기 중반 프랑스 호두나무 성모자상, 청동기 시대 도끼날 184.3 × 99.2 × 63.7 cm ©Tadao Ando Architect & Associates, Niney et Marca Architectes, Agence Pierre-Antoine Gatier. ©SONGEUN Art and Cultural Foundation and the Artist. All rights rese
데이비드 해먼스(David Hammons)
Rubber Dread_ 1989, 자전거 바퀴 고무 튜브, 금속 스탠드, 고무공, 131.4 × 53.3 × 50.8cm ⓒ David Hammons / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York - SACK, Seoul, 2024. Courtesy David Zwirner Photo: Kerry McFate ©SONGEUN Art and Cultural Foundation and the Artist. All rights reserved.
미리암 칸(Miriam Cahn)
baumwesen, 22.5 + 31.8 + 10.9.19_ 2019, 목판에 유채, 120 × 100cm ©SONGEUN Art and Cultural Foundation and the Artist. All rights reserved. Courtesy Jocelyn Wolff Photo: Francois DOURY
마를렌 뒤마(Marlene Dumas)
Angels in Uniform_ 2012, 캔버스에 유채, 크레용 200 x 100 x 2.5cm, ©SONGEUN Art and Cultural Foundation and the Artist. All rights reserved. Courtesy of the artist Photo: Peter Cox
뤽 튀망(Luc Tuymans)
Intermission_ 2020, 캔버스에 유채, 254.1 × 243.6 × 4cm ©SONGEUN Art and Cultural Foundation and the Artist. All rights reserved. Courtesy Zeno X Gallery, Antwerp Photo: ©Studio Luc Tuymans
루카스 아루다(Lucas Arruda)
UNTITLED (FROM THE DESERTO- MODELO SERIES)_ 2021, 캔버스에 유채 24 × 30cm ©SONGEUN Art and Cultural Foundation and the Artist. All rights reserved. Courtesy the artist and David Zwirner. Photo: Claire Don
나_ 컴퓨터, 프로젝터, 웹카메라, 영상설치, 가변크기, 2009
Digital Stimulus_ 디지털 미디어, 영상설치, 가변크기, 2009
비앙카 레글
Filaree heights_ 캔버스에 유채, 200×160cm, 2009
Fa1-2_ 190x205mm , 2009
눈부신조화_ 캔버스에 유채, 1235x925mm, 2009
옥정호_ 순지에 먹, 55.5x72cm, 2009