장잉난(Zhang Yingnan)FOLLOW
1981년00월00일 출생
2005년 시안 미술 아카데미 유화과 전공 학사
Blue velvet
Oil on canvas, 150x200cm, 2014
The Origin of Memory
Oil on canvas, 97x130cm, 2012
Lost Time
Oil on canvas, 130x130cm, 2012
The Spring
Oil on canvas, 150x150cm, 2012
Mountain Peak
Oil on canvas, 150x200cm, 2012
There is Darkness, There is Brightness
Oil on canvas, 180x110cm, 2012
Nobody Applause
Oil on canvas, 130x170cm, 2012
Broken Embraces No.1
Oil on canvas, 116x88cm, 2014
Broken Embraces No.2
Oil on canvas, 100x80cm, 2014
The Forgotten Temperature
Oil on canvas, 170x142cm, 2014
The pretender
Oil on canvas, 100x80cm, 2011
The Glory of the Interwined
Oil on canvas, 150x200cm, 2012
Shows on Mu:um
장잉난 개인전 ‘The Forgotten Temperature’
갤러리 스케이프
2014.07.09 ~ 2014.08.17