Other Works From the Show

  • 이슬기

    Kkoung Kkoung BIANE Hanging Board Project_ 2024, douglas-fir, 140 x 180 x 4 cm

  • 이슬기

    K(Egg nose)_ 2024, papier mâché, 27 x 26 x 17 cm

  • 이슬기

    U : To Have a Swollen Lung = To Get Angry_ 2024, Korean silk, collaboration with Korean Nubi quilter of Tong-Yeong, 195 x 155 x 1 cm

  • 이슬기

    U : Take Teu-jip (Make Round the Visor of the Korean Top Hat) = To Nitpick_ 2024, Korean silk, collaboration with Korean Nubi quilter of Tong-Yeong, 195 x 155 x 1 cm

  • 이슬기

    13332244_ 2020, douglas-fir, 210 x 10 cm (each)

  • 이슬기

    KUNDARI Spider II_ 2021, urethane coating on stainless steel, 180 x 200 x 100 cm

Other Works by 이슬기(Lee Seulgi)

  • 이슬기

    U:모순 = 완벽한 창과 완벽한 방패_ 비단, 통영누비장인과 콜라보레이션, 195×155×1cm, 2020

  • 이슬기

    Kkoung Kkoung BIANE Hanging Board Project_ 2024, douglas-fir, 140 x 180 x 4 cm

  • 이슬기

    K(Egg nose)_ 2024, papier mâché, 27 x 26 x 17 cm

  • 이슬기

    동동다리거리_ 문, 물, 놀이, 노래, 가변크기, 2020. 《올해의 작가상 2020》 전시 전경. 사진 국립현대미술관 제공

  • 이슬기

    U : To Have a Swollen Lung = To Get Angry_ 2024, Korean silk, collaboration with Korean Nubi quilter of Tong-Yeong, 195 x 155 x 1 cm

  • 이슬기

    U : Take Teu-jip (Make Round the Visor of the Korean Top Hat) = To Nitpick_ 2024, Korean silk, collaboration with Korean Nubi quilter of Tong-Yeong, 195 x 155 x 1 cm
