Other Works From the Show

  • 손은영

    큰 창문 집_The large window house_ 2021, Pigment Print on Hahnemule Photo Rag, 60 x 80 cm

  • 홍경택

    Full of Love_ 2012, oil on linen, 130 x 162 cm

  • 장희진

    Hue_ 2021, acrylic gouache, modelling gel, on canvas, 72 x 127 cm

  • 박은선

    이중공간-존재_ 2008-2024, 판넬 위에 라인테이프, 거울, 아크릴릭, 320 x 650 cm

  • 신창용

    RNB(51)_ 2024, acrylic on canvas, 91cm x 116.8 cm

Other Works by 신창용(Shin Chang-Yong)

  • 신창용

    놀이터_ 혼합재료, 155x180cm, 2008

  • 신창용

    another world_ acrylic on canvas. 116.7cm x 90.9cm. 2019

  • 신창용

    Back To The Future_ acrylic on canvas. 73cm x 91cm. 2021

  • 신창용

    The Cabin in the Woods_ acrylic on canvas, 53x45cm, 2019

  • 신창용

    인형과 소녀_ 캔버스에 유채, 55x65cm, 2006

  • 신창용

    game_ acrylic on canvas. 162cm x 130cm. 2021
