Other Works From the Show

  • 김덕용

    화양연화_ 60x100cm, Mixed meadia mother of pearl on wood, 2024

  • 김덕용

    Ocean Rhapsody_ 100x180cm, Mixed media(Mother of pearl) on wood, 2023

  • 김덕용

    차경-관해음_ 100x140cm, Mixed media mother of pearl on wood, 2024

  • 김덕용

    결-순환_ 160x140cm, Mixed media(Mother of pearl) on wood, 2023

Other Works by 김덕용(Kim Duckyoung)

  • 김덕용

    꿈-복사꽃_ 110x140cm, 나무에 단청기법, 2017

  • 김덕용

    화양연화_ 60x100cm, Mixed meadia mother of pearl on wood, 2024

  • 김덕용

    현-우주를 품다_ 128x122cm, mother of pearl, carbonization on wood, 2022

  • 김덕용

    Ocean Rhapsody_ 100x180cm, Mixed media(Mother of pearl) on wood, 2023

  • 김덕용

    우주 宇宙_ 100x140cm, Wood ash and mother of pearl on canvas, 2023

  • 김덕용

    차경-관해음_ 100x140cm, Mixed media mother of pearl on wood, 2024
