작품 Work
1967. Painted terracotta, 98.2 x 71.5 x 9 cm. Courtesy of Kwon Jin Kyu Commemoration Foundation & PKM Gallery.
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권진규: 조각가의 릴리프작품 Work
1967. Painted terracotta, 98.2 x 71.5 x 9 cm. Courtesy of Kwon Jin Kyu Commemoration Foundation & PKM Gallery.
Relevant Show
권진규: 조각가의 릴리프권진규
작품 Work_ ca. 1966. Painted terracotta, 94 x 72.7 x 10.3 cm. Courtesy of Kwon Jin Kyu Commemoration Foundation & PKM Gallery.
작품 Work_ 1966. Painted terracotta, 98.7 x 73.8 x 9 cm. Courtesy of Kwon Jin Kyu Commemoration Foundation & PKM Gallery.
작품 Work_ 1965. Painted terracotta, 95.6 x 69.5 x 7 cm. Courtesy of Kwon Jin Kyu Commemoration Foundation & PKM Gallery.
작품 Work_ 1967. Painted terracotta, 98.2 x 71.5 x 9 cm. Courtesy of Kwon Jin Kyu Commemoration Foundation & PKM Gallery.
가면 Mask_ ca. 1966, Terracota, lacquer, 97.2 x 71 x 7 cm. Courtesy of Kwon Jin Kyu Commemoration Foundation & PKM Gallery.
청년_ 브론즈, 1953, 김진 소장
작품 Work_ ca. 1966. Painted terracotta, 94 x 72.7 x 10.3 cm. Courtesy of Kwon Jin Kyu Commemoration Foundation & PKM Gallery.
기사騎士_ 1953, 안산암, 65×64×31cm, 권경숙 기증, 서울시립미술관 소장 사진: 박명래 ⓒ(사)권진규기념사업회
작품 Work_ 1966. Painted terracotta, 98.7 x 73.8 x 9 cm. Courtesy of Kwon Jin Kyu Commemoration Foundation & PKM Gallery.
자소상_ 1967년경, 테라코타, 20x19x34cm, 가나문화재단 소장, ⓒ (사)권진규기념사업회, 이정훈
작품 Work_ 1965. Painted terracotta, 95.6 x 69.5 x 7 cm. Courtesy of Kwon Jin Kyu Commemoration Foundation & PKM Gallery.