Kobe Bryant’s Foundation renovates Nowell Park basketball court
2023, ink, paint, and acrylic on wood, paper, cardboard, and jute rope, 107x137x60cm
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우리가 사랑했던 정원에서 In This Garden We Loved_Part IIKobe Bryant’s Foundation renovates Nowell Park basketball court
2023, ink, paint, and acrylic on wood, paper, cardboard, and jute rope, 107x137x60cm
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우리가 사랑했던 정원에서 In This Garden We Loved_Part II남다현
최다·최고령·최초'…여자농구 PO에 쏟아질 진기록은?_ 2023, acrylic and spraypaint on synthetic resin clay and cloth, 24x24x24cm
빨강 위에 고양이_ 2017, 캔버스위에 아크릴, 45.5x45.cm
LeBron James Hints At NBA Retirement After Lakers Loss_ 2023, acrylic on synthetic resin clay, 24x24x24cm
Kobe Bryant’s Foundation renovates Nowell Park basketball court_ 2023, ink, paint, and acrylic on wood, paper, cardboard, and jute rope, 107x137x60cm
신의 얼굴들_ 2021, oil, acrylic on canvas, 80.1x116.8cm
Harlem resists gentrification, environmental racism_ 2023, acrylic and synthetic resin clay rope on styrofoam, 24x24x24cm
최다·최고령·최초'…여자농구 PO에 쏟아질 진기록은?_ 2023, acrylic and spraypaint on synthetic resin clay and cloth, 24x24x24cm
LeBron James Hints At NBA Retirement After Lakers Loss_ 2023, acrylic on synthetic resin clay, 24x24x24cm
Kobe Bryant’s Foundation renovates Nowell Park basketball court_ 2023, ink, paint, and acrylic on wood, paper, cardboard, and jute rope, 107x137x60cm
Harlem resists gentrification, environmental racism_ 2023, acrylic and synthetic resin clay rope on styrofoam, 24x24x24cm
@australia (@dhnam_001)_ 2020, acrylic, color pencil, pencil on paper, 21x 29.7cm
복권방 프로젝트_ 2023년, 혼합재료