맨드라미 Mendrami
2013 Ball point pen gouache on paper 45 x 45 cm Courtesy of the Artist & PKM Gallery.
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온 페이퍼 on paper맨드라미 Mendrami
2013 Ball point pen gouache on paper 45 x 45 cm Courtesy of the Artist & PKM Gallery.
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온 페이퍼 on paper서승원
Simultaneity 22-1018_ 2022 Acrylic on paper 38.8 x 54 cm Courtesy of the Artist & PKM Gallery.
Polygon C_ 1992 Watercolor and colored pencil on paper 102 x 69.5 cm Courtesy of the Artist & PKM Gallery.
고욤나무 Diospyros lotus_ 2022 Pencil on paper 41 x 30.7 cm Courtesy of the Artist & PKM Gallery.
내게 묻혀본다_ 2022 Acrylic, graphite, and color pencil on paper 44.2 x 40.7 cm Courtesy of the Artist & PKM Gallery.
Drawing _ 1981 Color on paper 30.5 x 43.6 cm © Yun Seong-ryeol. Courtesy of PKM Gallery
맨드라미 Mendrami_ 2013 Ball point pen gouache on paper 45 x 45 cm Courtesy of the Artist & PKM Gallery.
맨드라미_ Oil on linen, 228x182cm, 2008
레몬 l_ 2021. Oil on linen, 112x145.5cm. Courtesy of the artist and PKM Gallery.
비행 fly_ 2014, oil on linen, 300 x 230 cm. Courtesy of the artist & PKM Gallery.
낭만풍경_ 리넨에 유채, 228x118cm, 2008
맨드라미 Mendrami_ 2021. Oil on linen, 100x100cm. Courtesy of the artist and PKM Gallery
M.B_ 리넨에 유채_41×32cm_2017