김지은: 삶, 관계 그리고 시 (Life, Relationship, and Poetry)
2015.11.13 ▶ 2015.12.28
레지나 갤러리
서울 강남구 테헤란로25길 10 강남 소도베 호텔 1층 레지나 갤러리
Map김지은: 삶, 관계 그리고 시 (Life, Relationship, and Poetry)
2015.11.13 ▶ 2015.12.28
레지나 갤러리
서울 강남구 테헤란로25길 10 강남 소도베 호텔 1층 레지나 갤러리
Poetry ink_mixed fabrics_hand stitching embroidery_hemp cloth mounted on hanji(korean mulberry paper), 142x67cm, 2015
remordimiento ink_mixed fabrics_hand stitching embroidery_hemp cloth mounted on hanji(korean mulberry paper), 65x67cm, 2015
Poetry ink_mixed fabrics_hand stitching embroidery_hemp cloth mounted on hanji(korean mulberry paper), 60x35cm, 2015
Poetry ink_mixed fabrics_hand stitching embroidery_hemp cloth mounted on hanji(korean mulberry paper), 56x56cm, 2015
Poetry ink_mixed fabrics_hand stitching embroidery_hemp cloth mounted on hanji(korean mulberry paper), 68x138cm, 2015
remordimiento ink_mixed fabrics_hand stitching embroidery_hemp cloth mounted on hanji(korean mulberry paper), 65x67cm, 2015
1971년 서울출생