Other Works From the Show

  • 김순기

    Foret 1 (Forest 1), Foret 2 (Forest 2)_ 1998-1999, Pinhole camera, analogue c-print, 167 x 246 cm (167 x 123 cm each, diptych)

  • 천위쥔

    Asia Map No.180301_ 2018_Mixed media on paper_244.5x126.5cm

  • 김순기

    Colporteur_ 1989_Mixed media_96x35x13cm

  • 최병소

    Untitled 975000_ 1975_Photography_53x38cm each_4 pieces

  • 노상호

    The Great Chapbook II_ 2018_Water color on paper

  • 김인배

    핀휴_ 2013_Resin_28x45x94cm

Other Works by 최병소(Choi Byung So)

  • 최병소

    Untitled_ chair, paper tape, 240 x 180 x 75 cm

  • 최병소

    Untitled - 0151116_ 2015, ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper, 47 x 32 cm

  • 최병소

    《意味와 無意味 SENS ET NON-SENS》 설치 전경_ 아라리오갤러리 서울, 2020

  • 최병소

    Untitled - 0180301_ 2018, ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper, 158.5 x 124 x 1 cm (100)

  • 최병소

    Untitled 0170528_ 2017, ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper, 108 x 80 x 1 cm

  • 최병소

    Untitled - 0180621_ 2018, ballpoint pen and pencil on paper, 210 x 164 x 1 cm (150)
