1996년 캘리포니아 주립대학 사진과 혼합매체 전공 석사
1993년 상명대학교 사진예술학과 전공 학사
2008년 ‘White Veil' 임안나, 엘컴퍼니
2006년 '세상에서 가장소중한 우리아가 베이비포토북' 임안나 / 웰북 출판사
2002년 ‘사진을 비평하는 방법’ 테리 배렛 지음/임안나 번역 / 눈빛 출판사
1999년 뉴욕 Gallery Korea 올해의 젊은 사진가로 선정
1998년 "Summer Encounters Vital International Young Artists"
Generous Miracle 갤러리에서 올해의 젊은 아티스트선정
1998년 미국 그래픽 디자인잡지 PRINT으로부터 우수광고사진 부문 수상
1998년 미국 광고잡지 COMMUNICATION ARTS로부터 우수광고사진 부문 수상
2018 Rehearsal of anxiety, Gallery LUX, Seoul
2017 White Imagination, Art Sebin, Seoul
2017 Frozen Hero, Space 22 Gallery, Seoul
2015 Frozen Objects, Jean Gallery, Seoul
2014 Concealed Imagination, Gallery INDEX, Seoul
2012 Irony-addicted, Jean Gallery, Seoul
2011 Restructure of Climax, Jean Gallery, Seoul
2010 The Blue Scar, Gallery NUDA, Daejeon
2009 Two Imaginary Plays, Gallery DOOIN, Seoul
2008 White Veil, Gallery IS, Seoul
2001 How Much Am I, Gallery LUX, Seoul
2000 To Keep my Soul, SK photo Gallery, Seoul
1998 Origami, Gallery Generous Miracle, New York
1998 My Money, 1998, Gallery Jadita, New York
1996 Witness, Gallery East, LA
1995 From a Body, Gallery Main, CSUF, LA
2018 Gourmet dinner, Dambit cultual center, Damyang, Korea
2018 Variation of memory and imagination, Cheonbulcheontop PhotoCenter, Hwasun, Korea
2017 Community for Self-Reflection: State, Individuals and us, Buk Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
2017 Focus on Korean Documentry , Photoville 2017, New York, USA
2016 My dear Country , Busan Art District P, Busan, Korea
2016 Seoul New Arirang, Seoul Photography Festival, Art Space Sei, Seoul
2016 Unusual Softness and Tremor, Seoul Innovation Park, Seoul
2015 Sweet Story, Shinsegae Gallery, Seoul
2015 Food Scape, Art Space J, Seoul
2014 Cinderella, 63 Sky Art Museum, Seoul
2014 Warhol and Friends, Jean Gallery, Seoul
2013 DongSangIMong, Korea University Museum, Seoul
2013 Hommage for Yayoi Kusama, Jean Gallery, Seoul
2013 White Summer, Lotte gallery, Daejeon
2013 2013 Contemporary art ruhr , Germany
2013 UTOPIA, Opera Gallery, Seoul
2013 Korea Contemporary Artist, Tjibaou culture center, New Caledonia
2013 The 2013-2013 Sovereign Asian Art Prize in Korea, Seoul
2013 Korean Dreamimg , Jungdong Gallery, Seoul
2012 Art 7 Cook . Sejong Center for performance arts, Seoul
2011 Microcosm, Amelia Johnson comtemporary, Hongkong
2011 Bridge, Bom Gallery, Seoul
2010 Very Special Day, Onemaunt, Seoul
2010 Sweet & Bitter, Bom Gallery, Seoul
2010 Pagus 21.5, Boutique Monaco, Seoul
2009 Serotonin Ⅱ, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
2009 Circulation of Photography, Seoul Gallery, Seoul
2009 Message of Era, Hana Art Gallery, Seoul
2009 The snow white, Asoh Gallery, Seoul
2009 Urban & Culture, Jeonju Photo Festival , Jeonju
2009 Korea Contemporary Photo Now, Beijing, China
2009 Nature, Objects and Photography, Mulpa Gallery, Seoul
2008 Sweet Imagination , Lux Gallery, Seoul
2008 Moment, time, Era, KOWPA 10th , Lamer Gallery, Seoul
2007 Her Room , Doosan Gallery, Seoul
2007 Body & Flesh ,Trunk Gallery, Seoul
2006 Something about , Exchange Exhibition of Korean and German Female Artists, Germany
2004 11 photographer's preview Another World , Baeksang Memorial Hall, Seoul
2004 A midsummer night's dream , Gail Art Museum in Gyeonggi-do, Seoul
2003 Pink God , Insa Art Gallery, Seoul
2001 Treasure house in my mind, Hwan Gallery, Deagu
2000 Woman, a Beautiful Fiction, SK Gallery, Seoul
1999 Perception, Gallery KOREA, New York
1999 Erotica, 1999 , Gallery MBM, New York
1998 Special Happiness , Gallery Art Beam, Seoul
1998 International salon 98, Gallery Ward-Nasse, New York
1998 Summer Encounters Vital International Young Artists , Gallery Generas Miracle, New York
ArtBank , Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea
The Sovereign Art Foundation
SPACE22, Seoul, Korea
ArtSpace J, Korea
JEAN Art Gallery
SEOI Gallery
SOOLIM Cultural Foundation
Space OPT
SG Hankooksamgong
전시로 보는 '한국사진의 힘'
아트스페이스 J
2020.11.12 ~ 2020.12.18
성찰의 공동체: 국가, 개인 그리고 우리
서울시립 북서울미술관
2017.10.31 ~ 2017.11.26
국립현대미술관 미술은행 소장품 기획전: 가상의 현재, 기억의 저편
청주시립미술관 오창전시관
2017.07.06 ~ 2017.08.31
2011.09.22 ~ 2011.09.26
Restructure of Climax
2011.06.25 ~ 2011.07.22