도메니코 미켈리노(Domenico di Michelino)

1417년00월00일 출생 - 1491년00월00일


Domenico di Michelino was an Italian painter of the Florentine school and a follower of the style of Fra Angelico. He was born and died in Florence.
Michelino predominantly painted scenes from the Bible. His most famous work can be found in the dome of Florence's church of Santa Maria del Fiore, including La commedia illumina Firenze Comedy , showing Dante Alighieri and the Divina Commedia. Along with Dante and the city of Florence, the work depicts Hell, Mount Purgatory, the earthly Paradise and the celestial spheres.
He took his name from his teacher, a carver in bone and ivory named Michelino. He was elected to the Compagnia di San Luca in 1442 and joined the Arte dei Medici e degli Speziali in 1444.
