Other Works From the Show

  • 정상화

    무제_ acrylic on canvas, 80×100, 1990

  • 박서보

    묘법66-78_ pencil, oil on hemp cloth, 130.3×161.2, 1978

  • 윤형근

    UMBER-BLUE_ oil on linen, 97×145.5, 1976

  • 이우환

    From line_ oil on canvas, 145×112.6, 1980

Other Works by 박서보(Park Seo-Bo)

  • 박서보

    Ecriture(描法) No.080206_ Mixed Media with Korean hanji Paper on Canvas, 165x260cm, 2008

  • 박서보

    묘법 No.6-80_ 1980, Pencil and Oil on Hemp Cloth, 162x227.3cm, 광주시립미술관 하정웅컬렉션

  • 박서보

    묘법 Ecriture_ 27x22cm, Mixed media with Korean paper on canvas, 2003

  • 박서보

    Ecriture (描法) No. 140410_ 2014 Mixed media with Korean hanji paper on canvas 130 x 200 cm Courtesy of the artist and Kukje Gallery 사진: 박서보 스튜디오 이미지 제공: 국제갤러리

  • 박서보

    원형질(原形質) No. 64-1_ 1964, 캔버스에 유화물감, 160×128.3cm, 국립현대미술관 소장

  • 박서보

    Écriture (描法) No. 23–77_ 1977, Pencil and oil on canvas, 130×190cm
