Other Works From the Show

  • 차재민

    Fog and Smoke_ HD video, color, sound, 20min, 2013, Courtesy of the Artist

  • 홍영인

    Heterogeneous Walking_ Embroidery and acrylic on scenic cotton fabric, 250 x 200cm, 2012, Courtesy of the Artist

  • 윤향로

    W/H_ single channel video(color, silent) , 00.02.48, 2012, Courtesy of the Artist

  • 이미연

    Bada 1,2,3_ drawing on carbon paper, 22x28cm, 2008, Courtesy of the Artist

  • 문영민

    20130117_ Oil on canvas, 38 x 45.5cm, 2013, Courtesy of the Artist

  • 정은영

    The Song of Phantasmagoria_ slide projection with 119 films and 4 projectors, dimension variable 00:04:00(looped), 2013, Courtesy of the Artist

Other Works by 홍영인(Hong YoungIn)

  • 홍영인

    Heterogeneous Walking_ Embroidery and acrylic on scenic cotton fabric, 250 x 200cm, 2012, Courtesy of the Artist

  • 홍영인

    One Gate between Two World_ 2021, Dyed cotton, leather, viscose rayon threads, and rug canvas, 322 x 297 cm. Courtesy of Young In Hong and PKM Gallery.

  • 홍영인

    Ishmael: Even the Gorilla Needs a Flower_ 2021, Cotton, viscose rayon threads, wood, steel, and various fabrics. Approx. 100 x 100 x 200 cm. Courtesy of Young In Hong and PKM Gallery.

  • 홍영인

    MMCA 올해의 작가상 2019_

  • 홍영인

    우본 라쟈타니에서 만난 한 여성 2006년 여름_ 2008, 무대배경천, 아크릴 채색, 스프레이, 자수, 150×112cm

  • 홍영인

    We Where at PKM. Courtesy of PKM Gallery._
