Other Works From the Show

  • 차재민

    Fog and Smoke_ HD video, color, sound, 20min, 2013, Courtesy of the Artist

  • 홍영인

    Heterogeneous Walking_ Embroidery and acrylic on scenic cotton fabric, 250 x 200cm, 2012, Courtesy of the Artist

  • 윤향로

    W/H_ single channel video(color, silent) , 00.02.48, 2012, Courtesy of the Artist

  • 이미연

    Bada 1,2,3_ drawing on carbon paper, 22x28cm, 2008, Courtesy of the Artist

  • 문영민

    20130117_ Oil on canvas, 38 x 45.5cm, 2013, Courtesy of the Artist

  • 정은영

    The Song of Phantasmagoria_ slide projection with 119 films and 4 projectors, dimension variable 00:04:00(looped), 2013, Courtesy of the Artist

Other Works by 차재민(Cha Jeamin)

  • 차재민

    Fog and Smoke_ HD video, color, sound, 20min, 2013, Courtesy of the Artist

  • 차재민

    TROT, TRIO, WALTZ_ 단채널 영상, HD VIDEO, Color, Sound, 11분 30초, 2013

  • 차재민

    히스테릭스 hysterics_ HD비디오, 컬러, 사운드, 7분 6초, 2014

  • 차재민

    썸네일_ 흰 도화지에 과슈, 22x30cm, 2015

  • 차재민

    광합성하는 죽음 Photosynthesizing Dead in Warehouse_ 2024, Single channel video, 4K, color, sound, 30min., 스틸 이미지. 사진 제공: 작가 및 일민미술관. ⓒ 차재민

  • 차재민

    사운드 가든_
